Special Purpose Machines

Smart Lock

A smart lock functions like a regular lock but operates with an internet connection. You can check the status of a smart lock from anywhere with internet access and use a mobile app to open or close it. The lock has a keypad to enter a code and connects to WiFi to receive unlock commands from a phone. Smart locks offer improved convenience and security, allowing you to ensure safety with a simple click on your phone instead of using a key.

Waste Handling Automation

The use of automation technologies greatly aids in managing and disposing of waste. Technologies like picking robots, sensors, and AI significantly impact proper waste handling. Trash-picking robots can be trained to identify and pick up trash from an automated conveyor belt using AI and machine learning. This helps waste management facilities to separate large quantities of waste automatically, reducing the likelihood of biodegradable and recyclable materials ending up in landfills. Additionally, combining AI and IoT technologies allows for creation of intelligent trash cans. These cans can measure the amount of waste thrown inside and send this information to an effective removal system for processing. This data helps processing systems distinguish the waste's type, level, quality, and disposal method.

Weighing Scales

We specialize in creating personalized weighing scales for various industries, including retail, healthcare, and manufacturing. Our expertise in this area sets us apart from our competitors and ensures that we have a strong presence in the market. Our product range varies based on application, accuracy, capacity, and platform types.

Leak Testing Machine

Our company designs and supplies leak test machines and systems using popular pressure or vacuum testing methods. One method involves submersing the test object in a water tank to inspect for leaks, while another involves highly accurate helium testing. Additionally, we offer the commonly used and cost-effective air decay leak test, which provides quantifiable results to determine if a product meets the specified leak limit.