Industrial Ovens Systems

Paint Oven - Electric, Gas Fired, Diesel fired, IR Oven

Curing or baking ovens or dryers eliminate moisture from water-based coatings and adhesives. They also remove any excess water from the surface or interior of the product. Electric-fired ovens use thermostatic controls, while gas-fired or oil-fired ones use temperature controllers that operate solenoid valves. Industrial-grade curing ovens dry the paint by circulating heated air. The air is heated in a heating chamber and then circulated by fans inside the chambers.

Paint booth cum oven - Electric, Gas Fired, Diesel fired, IR Oven

The paint booth cum oven is a multiple operations enclosure. It combines painting and drying operations in the same chamber. This helps to speed up the painting and drying processes, especially for large-sized equipment and saves time. Accessories such as manual/gear trolleys, lifts, or others can be attached if required. Various options include electric-fired, gas-fired, or diesel-fired. These combo booths are especially useful for big-sized parts that are difficult to move. Moreover, drying in a closed chamber improves the product’s quality and life.